Optimally Teaching a Linear Behavior Cloning Agent
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2311.15399v1
- Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2023 19:47:39 GMT
- Title: Optimally Teaching a Linear Behavior Cloning Agent
- Authors: Shubham Kumar Bharti, Stephen Wright, Adish Singla, Xiaojin Zhu
- Abstract summary: We study optimal teaching of Linear Behavior Cloning (LBC) learners.
In this setup, the teacher can select which states to demonstrate to an LBC learner.
The learner maintains a version space of infinite linear hypotheses consistent with the demonstration.
- Score: 29.290523215922015
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We study optimal teaching of Linear Behavior Cloning (LBC) learners. In this
setup, the teacher can select which states to demonstrate to an LBC learner.
The learner maintains a version space of infinite linear hypotheses consistent
with the demonstration. The goal of the teacher is to teach a realizable target
policy to the learner using minimum number of state demonstrations. This number
is known as the Teaching Dimension(TD). We present a teaching algorithm called
``Teach using Iterative Elimination(TIE)" that achieves instance optimal TD.
However, we also show that finding optimal teaching set computationally is
NP-hard. We further provide an approximation algorithm that guarantees an
approximation ratio of $\log(|A|-1)$ on the teaching dimension. Finally, we
provide experimental results to validate the efficiency and effectiveness of
our algorithm.
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