Near-Optimal Mean Estimation with Unknown, Heteroskedastic Variances
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- Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2023 01:13:10 GMT
- Title: Near-Optimal Mean Estimation with Unknown, Heteroskedastic Variances
- Authors: Spencer Compton, Gregory Valiant
- Abstract summary: Subset-of-Signals model serves as a benchmark for heteroskedastic mean estimation.
Our algorithm resolves this open question up to logarithmic factors.
Even for $d=2$, our techniques enable rates comparable to knowing the variance of each sample.
- Score: 15.990720051907864
- License:
- Abstract: Given data drawn from a collection of Gaussian variables with a common mean
but different and unknown variances, what is the best algorithm for estimating
their common mean? We present an intuitive and efficient algorithm for this
task. As different closed-form guarantees can be hard to compare, the
Subset-of-Signals model serves as a benchmark for heteroskedastic mean
estimation: given $n$ Gaussian variables with an unknown subset of $m$
variables having variance bounded by 1, what is the optimal estimation error as
a function of $n$ and $m$? Our algorithm resolves this open question up to
logarithmic factors, improving upon the previous best known estimation error by
polynomial factors when $m = n^c$ for all $0<c<1$. Of particular note, we
obtain error $o(1)$ with $m = \tilde{O}(n^{1/4})$ variance-bounded samples,
whereas previous work required $m = \tilde{\Omega}(n^{1/2})$. Finally, we show
that in the multi-dimensional setting, even for $d=2$, our techniques enable
rates comparable to knowing the variance of each sample.
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