VDOO: A Short, Fast, Post-Quantum Multivariate Digital Signature Scheme
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2312.09535v1
- Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2023 04:58:10 GMT
- Title: VDOO: A Short, Fast, Post-Quantum Multivariate Digital Signature Scheme
- Authors: Anindya Ganguly, Angshuman Karmakar, Nitin Saxena,
- Abstract summary: We present a post-quantum digital signature algorithm based on solving multivariate equations.
We show that our carefully chosen parameters can resist all existing state-of-the-art attacks.
This is the smallest signature size among all known post-quantum signature schemes of similar security.
- Score: 0.8643517734716606
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Hard lattice problems are predominant in constructing post-quantum cryptosystems. However, we need to continue developing post-quantum cryptosystems based on other quantum hard problems to prevent a complete collapse of post-quantum cryptography due to a sudden breakthrough in solving hard lattice problems. Solving large multivariate quadratic systems is one such quantum hard problem. Unbalanced Oil-Vinegar is a signature scheme based on the hardness of solving multivariate equations. In this work, we present a post-quantum digital signature algorithm VDOO (Vinegar-Diagonal-Oil-Oil) based on solving multivariate equations. We introduce a new layer called the diagonal layer over the oil-vinegar-based signature scheme Rainbow. This layer helps to improve the security of our scheme without increasing the parameters considerably. Due to this modification, the complexity of the main computational bottleneck of multivariate quadratic systems i.e. the Gaussian elimination reduces significantly. Thus making our scheme one of the fastest multivariate quadratic signature schemes. Further, we show that our carefully chosen parameters can resist all existing state-of-the-art attacks. The signature sizes of our scheme for the National Institute of Standards and Technology's security level of I, III, and V are 96, 226, and 316 bytes, respectively. This is the smallest signature size among all known post-quantum signature schemes of similar security.
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