Stochastic Bayesian Optimization with Unknown Continuous Context
Distribution via Kernel Density Estimation
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2023 02:23:32 GMT
- Title: Stochastic Bayesian Optimization with Unknown Continuous Context
Distribution via Kernel Density Estimation
- Authors: Xiaobin Huang, Lei Song, Ke Xue, Chao Qian
- Abstract summary: We propose two algorithms that employ kernel density estimation to learn the probability density function (PDF) of continuous context variable online.
Theoretical results demonstrate that both algorithms have sub-linear Bayesian cumulative regret on the expectation objective.
- Score: 28.413085548038932
- License:
- Abstract: Bayesian optimization (BO) is a sample-efficient method and has been widely
used for optimizing expensive black-box functions. Recently, there has been a
considerable interest in BO literature in optimizing functions that are
affected by context variable in the environment, which is uncontrollable by
decision makers. In this paper, we focus on the optimization of functions'
expectations over continuous context variable, subject to an unknown
distribution. To address this problem, we propose two algorithms that employ
kernel density estimation to learn the probability density function (PDF) of
continuous context variable online. The first algorithm is simpler, which
directly optimizes the expectation under the estimated PDF. Considering that
the estimated PDF may have high estimation error when the true distribution is
complicated, we further propose the second algorithm that optimizes the
distributionally robust objective. Theoretical results demonstrate that both
algorithms have sub-linear Bayesian cumulative regret on the expectation
objective. Furthermore, we conduct numerical experiments to empirically
demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms.
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