Time resolved optical response of the Dicke's model via the
nonequilibrium Green's function approach
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2312.13874v1
- Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2023 14:16:37 GMT
- Title: Time resolved optical response of the Dicke's model via the
nonequilibrium Green's function approach
- Authors: Megha Gopalakrishna, Yaroslav Pavlyukh and Claudio Verdozzi
- Abstract summary: Two-level systems (TLS) and their generalisations are often used to investigate nonlinear behavior in quantum optics.
Main aspect addressed is the scope of non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) to describe the effect of disorder and electron-electron (e-e) interactions on the SHG signal.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Due to their conceptual appeal and computational convenience, two-level
systems (TLS) and their generalisations are often used to investigate nonlinear
behavior in quantum optics, and to assess the applicability of theoretical
methods. Here the focus is on second harmonic generation (SHG) and, as system
of interest, on the Dicke model, which consists of several TLSs inside an
optical cavity. The main aspect addressed is the scope of non-equilibrium
Green's function (NEGF) to describe the effect of disorder and
electron-electron (e-e) interactions on the SHG signal. For benchmarking
purposes, exact diagonalization (ED) results are also presented and discussed.
SHG spectra obtained with NEGF and ED are found to be in very good mutual
agreement in most situations. Furthermore, inhomogeneity in the TLS and e-e
interactions reduce the strength of SHG, and the reduction is stronger with
inhomogeneity than with interactions. This trend is consistently noted across
different (small to large) system sizes. Finally, a modified NEGF approach is
proposed to account for cavity leakage, where the quantum photon fields are
coupled to a bath of classical oscillators. As to be expected, within this
mixed quantum-classical scheme a decrease in the intensity of the fluorescent
spectra takes place depending on the entity of cavity leakage.
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