Ancilla-Assisted Process Tomography with Bipartiete Mixed Separable States
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- Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2024 19:37:56 GMT
- Title: Ancilla-Assisted Process Tomography with Bipartiete Mixed Separable States
- Authors: Zhuoran Bao, Daniel F. V. James,
- Abstract summary: It has been shown that the entanglement between the system state and the ancillary state is not a strict requirement for performing ancilla-assisted process tomography(AAPT)
We take on the operational definition of faithfulness, i.e., a state is faithful if one can extract complete information about the quantum process.
We derive a way of constructing two-qubit states that are guaranteed to be faithful in an operational sense and estimate the bound on the average error of the process.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: It has been shown that the entanglement between the system state and the ancillary state is not a strict requirement for performing ancilla-assisted process tomography(AAPT). Instead, it only requires that the system-ancilla state be faithful, which, in practice, is the invertibility of a certain matrix representing the state. Our paper takes on the operational definition of faithfulness, i.e., a state is faithful if one can extract complete information about the quantum process, and we restrict the process to single-qubit operations on a two-qubit system-ancilla state. We present a theoretical analysis to connect the invertibility problem to the concept of Sinisterness, which quantifies the correlation of two qubits. Using Sinisterness, we derive a way of constructing two-qubit states that are guaranteed to be faithful in an operational sense and estimate the bound on the average error of the process. Our analysis agrees that the maximally entangled states provided the smallest error amplification. Nevertheless, it maps out a numerical region where the advantage of the entanglement starts.
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