論文の概要: Benchmarking the CoW with the TopCoW Challenge: Topology-Aware Anatomical Segmentation of the Circle of Willis for CTA and MRA
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2312.17670v3
- Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 17:45:25 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-05-01 00:05:36.998312
- Title: Benchmarking the CoW with the TopCoW Challenge: Topology-Aware Anatomical Segmentation of the Circle of Willis for CTA and MRA
- Title(参考訳): The TopCoW Challenge: TopCoW Challenge: Topology-Aware Anatomical Segmentation of the Circle of Willis for CTA and MRA
- Authors: Kaiyuan Yang, Fabio Musio, Yihui Ma, Norman Juchler, Johannes C. Paetzold, Rami Al-Maskari, Luciano Höher, Hongwei Bran Li, Ibrahim Ethem Hamamci, Anjany Sekuboyina, Suprosanna Shit, Houjing Huang, Chinmay Prabhakar, Ezequiel de la Rosa, Diana Waldmannstetter, Florian Kofler, Fernando Navarro, Martin Menten, Ivan Ezhov, Daniel Rueckert, Iris Vos, Ynte Ruigrok, Birgitta Velthuis, Hugo Kuijf, Julien Hämmerli, Catherine Wurster, Philippe Bijlenga, Laura Westphal, Jeroen Bisschop, Elisa Colombo, Hakim Baazaoui, Andrew Makmur, James Hallinan, Bene Wiestler, Jan S. Kirschke, Roland Wiest, Emmanuel Montagnon, Laurent Letourneau-Guillon, Adrian Galdran, Francesco Galati, Daniele Falcetta, Maria A. Zuluaga, Chaolong Lin, Haoran Zhao, Zehan Zhang, Sinyoung Ra, Jongyun Hwang, Hyunjin Park, Junqiang Chen, Marek Wodzinski, Henning Müller, Pengcheng Shi, Wei Liu, Ting Ma, Cansu Yalçin, Rachika E. Hamadache, Joaquim Salvi, Xavier Llado, Uma Maria Lal-Trehan Estrada, Valeriia Abramova, Luca Giancardo, Arnau Oliver, Jialu Liu, Haibin Huang, Yue Cui, Zehang Lin, Yusheng Liu, Shunzhi Zhu, Tatsat R. Patel, Vincent M. Tutino, Maysam Orouskhani, Huayu Wang, Mahmud Mossa-Basha, Chengcheng Zhu, Maximilian R. Rokuss, Yannick Kirchhoff, Nico Disch, Julius Holzschuh, Fabian Isensee, Klaus Maier-Hein, Yuki Sato, Sven Hirsch, Susanne Wegener, Bjoern Menze,
- Abstract要約: TopCoWデータセットは、13の可能なCoWコンテナコンポーネントに対して、ボクセルレベルのアノテーションを備えた最初のパブリックデータセットである。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 46.494640157628304
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
- Abstract: The Circle of Willis (CoW) is an important network of arteries connecting major circulations of the brain. Its vascular architecture is believed to affect the risk, severity, and clinical outcome of serious neuro-vascular diseases. However, characterizing the highly variable CoW anatomy is still a manual and time-consuming expert task. The CoW is usually imaged by two angiographic imaging modalities, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and computed tomography angiography (CTA), but there exist limited public datasets with annotations on CoW anatomy, especially for CTA. Therefore we organized the TopCoW Challenge in 2023 with the release of an annotated CoW dataset. The TopCoW dataset was the first public dataset with voxel-level annotations for thirteen possible CoW vessel components, enabled by virtual-reality (VR) technology. It was also the first large dataset with paired MRA and CTA from the same patients. TopCoW challenge formalized the CoW characterization problem as a multiclass anatomical segmentation task with an emphasis on topological metrics. We invited submissions worldwide for the CoW segmentation task, which attracted over 140 registered participants from four continents. The top performing teams managed to segment many CoW components to Dice scores around 90%, but with lower scores for communicating arteries and rare variants. There were also topological mistakes for predictions with high Dice scores. Additional topological analysis revealed further areas for improvement in detecting certain CoW components and matching CoW variant topology accurately. TopCoW represented a first attempt at benchmarking the CoW anatomical segmentation task for MRA and CTA, both morphologically and topologically.
- Abstract(参考訳): ウィリス循環(英: Circle of Willis、略称:CoW)は、脳の主要な循環を繋ぐ重要な動脈網である。
そこで2023年に、注釈付きCoWデータセットのリリースでTopCoW Challengeを組織しました。
TopCoW チャレンジは、トポロジカルメトリクスに重点を置いたマルチクラス解剖学的セグメンテーションタスクとして、CoW のキャラクタリゼーション問題を定式化した。
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Diceスコアは、それぞれのデータセットで0.838 $pm$0.066と0.716 $pm$ 0.125まで到達し、平均パフォーマンスは0.804 $pm$ 0.15までになった。
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