Probing topological phase transition with non-Hermitian perturbations
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- Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2023 16:19:42 GMT
- Title: Probing topological phase transition with non-Hermitian perturbations
- Authors: Jingcheng Liang and Chen Fang and Jiangping Hu
- Abstract summary: We show that under carefully designed non-Hermitian perturbations, the Loschmidt echo(LE) decays into 1/N where N is the ground state degeneracy in the topological non-trivial phase.
This distinction is robust against small parameter deviations in the non-Hermitian perturbations.
- Score: 8.275733120445855
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- Abstract: We demonstrate that non-Hermitian perturbations can probe topological phase
transitions and unambiguously detect non-Abelian zero modes. We show that under
carefully designed non-Hermitian perturbations, the Loschmidt echo(LE) decays
into 1/N where N is the ground state degeneracy in the topological non-trivial
phase, while it approaches 1 in the trivial phase. This distinction is robust
against small parameter deviations in the non-Hermitian perturbations. We
further study four well-known models that support Majorana or parafermionic
zero modes. By calculating their dynamical responses to specific non-Hermitian
perturbations, we prove that the steady-state LE can indeed differentiate
between different phases. This method avoids the ambiguity introduced by
trivial zero-energy states and thus provides an alternative and promising way
to demonstrate the emergence of topologically non-trivial phases. The
experimental realizations of non-Hermitian perturbations are discussed.
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