論文の概要: Empowering Medical Imaging with Artificial Intelligence: A Review of
Machine Learning Approaches for the Detection, and Segmentation of COVID-19
Using Radiographic and Tomographic Images
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2401.07020v1
- Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2024 09:17:39 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-01-17 20:05:42.131154
- Title: Empowering Medical Imaging with Artificial Intelligence: A Review of
Machine Learning Approaches for the Detection, and Segmentation of COVID-19
Using Radiographic and Tomographic Images
- Title(参考訳): 人工知能を用いた医用画像のエンパワーメント:放射線画像と断層画像を用いたcovid-19の検出とセグメンテーションのための機械学習アプローチのレビュー
- Authors: Sayed Amir Mousavi Mobarakeh, Kamran Kazemi, Ardalan Aarabi,
Habibollah Danyal
- Abstract要約: 2019年以降、コロナウイルスとその新規株の世界的な普及により、新たな感染が急増している。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 2.232567376976564
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: Since 2019, the global dissemination of the Coronavirus and its novel strains
has resulted in a surge of new infections. The use of X-ray and computed
tomography (CT) imaging techniques is critical in diagnosing and managing
COVID-19. Incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into the field of medical
imaging is a powerful combination that can provide valuable support to
healthcare professionals.This paper focuses on the methodological approach of
using machine learning (ML) to enhance medical imaging for COVID-19
diagnosis.For example, deep learning can accurately distinguish lesions from
other parts of the lung without human intervention in a matter of
minutes.Moreover, ML can enhance performance efficiency by assisting
radiologists in making more precise clinical decisions, such as detecting and
distinguishing Covid-19 from different respiratory infections and segmenting
infections in CT and X-ray images, even when the lesions have varying sizes and
shapes.This article critically assesses machine learning methodologies utilized
for the segmentation, classification, and detection of Covid-19 within CT and
X-ray images, which are commonly employed tools in clinical and hospital
settings to represent the lung in various aspects and extensive detail.There is
a widespread expectation that this technology will continue to hold a central
position within the healthcare sector, driving further progress in the
management of the pandemic.
- Abstract(参考訳): 2019年以降、コロナウイルスとその新規株の世界的な普及により、新たな感染が急増している。
Incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into the field of medical imaging is a powerful combination that can provide valuable support to healthcare professionals.This paper focuses on the methodological approach of using machine learning (ML) to enhance medical imaging for COVID-19 diagnosis.For example, deep learning can accurately distinguish lesions from other parts of the lung without human intervention in a matter of minutes.Moreover, ML can enhance performance efficiency by assisting radiologists in making more precise clinical decisions, such as detecting and distinguishing Covid-19 from different respiratory infections and segmenting infections in CT and X-ray images, even when the lesions have varying sizes and shapes.This article critically assesses machine learning methodologies utilized for the segmentation, classification, and detection of Covid-19 within CT and X-ray images, which are commonly employed tools in clinical and hospital settings to represent the lung in various aspects and extensive detail.There is a widespread expectation that this technology will continue to hold a central position within the healthcare sector, driving further progress in the management of the pandemic.
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深層学習 (DL) 技術は, 放射線画像における感染領域の解析とデライン化に, タイムリーに有効であることが証明された。
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X線やCT(Computerd Tomography)などの医用画像は、世界的な新型コロナウイルス対策に欠かせない役割を担っている。
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2020-04-06T15:21:34Z)