Discrete-coordinate crypto-Hermitian quantum system controlled by
time-dependent Robin boundary conditions
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2401.10682v2
- Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 06:57:20 GMT
- Title: Discrete-coordinate crypto-Hermitian quantum system controlled by
time-dependent Robin boundary conditions
- Authors: Miloslav Znojil
- Abstract summary: unitary quantum mechanics formulated in non-Hermitian (or, more precisely, in hiddenly Hermitian) interaction-picture representation is illustrated via an elementary $N$ by $N$ matrix Hamiltonian $H(t)$ mimicking a 1D-box system with physics controlled by time-dependent boundary conditions.
Our key message is that contrary to the conventional beliefs and in spite of the unitarity of the evolution of the system, neither its "Heisenbergian Hamiltonian" $Sigma(t)$ nor its "Schr"odingerian Hamiltonian" $G(
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Non-stationary version of unitary quantum mechanics formulated in
non-Hermitian (or, more precisely, in hiddenly Hermitian) interaction-picture
representation is illustrated via an elementary $N$ by $N$ matrix Hamiltonian
$H(t)$ mimicking a 1D-box system with physics controlled by time-dependent
boundary conditions. The model is presented as analytically solvable at $N=2$.
Expressis verbis, this means that for both of the underlying Heisenbergian and
Schr\"{o}dingerian evolution equations the generators (i.e., in our notation,
the respective operators $\Sigma(t)$ and $G(t)$) become available in closed
form. Our key message is that contrary to the conventional beliefs and in spite
of the unitarity of the evolution of the system, neither its "Heisenbergian
Hamiltonian" $\Sigma(t)$ nor its "Schr\"{o}dingerian Hamiltonian" $G(t)$
possesses a real spectrum or the conjugate pairs of complex eigenvalues. This
means that neither one of these "Hamiltonians" can be pseudo-Hermitian alias
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