Convolution kernel adaptation to calibrated fisheye
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- Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2024 14:44:50 GMT
- Title: Convolution kernel adaptation to calibrated fisheye
- Authors: Bruno Berenguel-Baeta, Maria Santos-Villafranca, Jesus Bermudez-Cameo,
Alejandro Perez-Yus, Jose J. Guerrero
- Abstract summary: Convolution kernels are the basic structural component of convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
We propose a method that leverages the calibration of cameras to deform the convolution kernel accordingly and adapt to the distortion.
We show how, with just a brief fine-tuning stage in a small dataset, we improve the performance of the network for the calibrated fisheye.
- Score: 45.90423821963144
- License:
- Abstract: Convolution kernels are the basic structural component of convolutional
neural networks (CNNs). In the last years there has been a growing interest in
fisheye cameras for many applications. However, the radially symmetric
projection model of these cameras produces high distortions that affect the
performance of CNNs, especially when the field of view is very large. In this
work, we tackle this problem by proposing a method that leverages the
calibration of cameras to deform the convolution kernel accordingly and adapt
to the distortion. That way, the receptive field of the convolution is similar
to standard convolutions in perspective images, allowing us to take advantage
of pre-trained networks in large perspective datasets. We show how, with just a
brief fine-tuning stage in a small dataset, we improve the performance of the
network for the calibrated fisheye with respect to standard convolutions in
depth estimation and semantic segmentation.
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