A Flow-based Credibility Metric for Safety-critical Pedestrian Detection
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2402.07642v1
- Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2024 13:30:34 GMT
- Title: A Flow-based Credibility Metric for Safety-critical Pedestrian Detection
- Authors: Maria Lyssenko, Christoph Gladisch, Christian Heinzemann, Matthias
Woehrle, Rudolph Triebel
- Abstract summary: Safety is of utmost importance for perception in automated driving (AD)
Standard evaluation schemes utilize safety-agnostic metrics to argue sufficient detection performance.
This paper introduces a novel credibility metric, called c-flow, for pedestrian bounding boxes.
- Score: 16.663568842153065
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Safety is of utmost importance for perception in automated driving (AD).
However, a prime safety concern in state-of-the art object detection is that
standard evaluation schemes utilize safety-agnostic metrics to argue sufficient
detection performance. Hence, it is imperative to leverage supplementary domain
knowledge to accentuate safety-critical misdetections during evaluation tasks.
To tackle the underspecification, this paper introduces a novel credibility
metric, called c-flow, for pedestrian bounding boxes. To this end, c-flow
relies on a complementary optical flow signal from image sequences and enhances
the analyses of safety-critical misdetections without requiring additional
labels. We implement and evaluate c-flow with a state-of-the-art pedestrian
detector on a large AD dataset. Our analysis demonstrates that c-flow allows
developers to identify safety-critical misdetections.
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