Provably Time-Optimal Cooling of Markovian Quantum Systems
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- Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2024 13:07:33 GMT
- Title: Provably Time-Optimal Cooling of Markovian Quantum Systems
- Authors: Emanuel Malvetti
- Abstract summary: We address the problem of cooling a Markovian quantum system to a pure state in the shortest amount of time possible.
We derive explicit provably time-optimal cooling protocols for rank one qubit systems, inverted $Lambda$-systems on a qutrit, and a certain system consisting of two coupled qubits.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We address the problem of cooling a Markovian quantum system to a pure state
in the shortest amount of time possible. Here the system drift takes the form
of a Lindblad master equation and we assume fast unitary control. This setting
allows for a natural reduction of the control system to the eigenvalues of the
state density matrix. We give a simple necessary and sufficient
characterization of systems which are (asymptotically) coolable and present a
powerful result which allows to considerably simplify the search for optimal
cooling solutions. With these tools at our disposal we derive explicit provably
time-optimal cooling protocols for rank one qubit systems, inverted
$\Lambda$-systems on a qutrit, and a certain system consisting of two coupled
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