Kinetic inductance traveling wave amplifier designs for practical microwave readout applications
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- Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2024 14:16:54 GMT
- Title: Kinetic inductance traveling wave amplifier designs for practical microwave readout applications
- Authors: A. Giachero, M. Vissers, J. Wheeler, L. Howe, J. Gao, J. Austermann, J. Hubmayr, A. Nucciotti, J. Ullom,
- Abstract summary: Kinetic Inductance Traveling Wave amplifier uses Niobium Titanium Nitride (NbTiN) for parametric amplification.
These devices exhibit over 10 dB of gain with a 3 dB bandwidth of approximately 5.5-7.25 GHz.
We observe an appreciable impedance mismatch in the NbTiN transmission line, which is likely the source of the majority of the gain ripple.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: A Kinetic Inductance Traveling Wave amplifier (KIT) utilizes the nonlinear kinetic inductance of superconducting films, particularly Niobium Titanium Nitride (NbTiN), for parametric amplification. These amplifiers achieve remarkable performance in terms of gain, bandwidth, compression power, and frequently approach the quantum limit for noise. However, most KIT demonstrations have been isolated from practical device readout systems. Using a KIT as the first amplifier in the readout chain of an unoptimized microwave SQUID multiplexer coupled to a transition-edge sensor microcalorimeter we see an initial improvement in the flux noise. One challenge in KIT integration is the considerable microwave pump power required to drive the non-linearity. To address this, we have initiated efforts to reduce the pump power by using thinner NbTiN films and an inverted microstrip transmission line design. In this article, we present the new transmission line design, fabrication procedure, and initial device characterization -- including gain and added noise. These devices exhibit over 10 dB of gain with a 3 dB bandwidth of approximately 5.5-7.25 GHz, a maximum practical gain of 12 dB and typical gain ripple under 4 dB peak-to-peak. We observe an appreciable impedance mismatch in the NbTiN transmission line, which is likely the source of the majority of the gain ripple. Finally we perform an initial noise characterization and demonstrate system-added noise of three quanta or less over nearly the entire 3 dB bandwidth.
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