Imaginarity measure induced by relative entropy
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- Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2024 10:29:57 GMT
- Title: Imaginarity measure induced by relative entropy
- Authors: Xiangyu Chen, Qiang Lei,
- Abstract summary: We find two imaginarity measures, one of which is induced by $alpha$--$z$--R'enyi relative entropy.
The relationships between different imaginarity measures and their properties are also discussed.
- Score: 6.570066787107033
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- Abstract: Quantum resource theories provide a new perspective and method for the development and application of science. Imaginary numbers are used to describe and solve many complex problems. Therefore imaginarity resource theory proposed recently has become increasingly important and it is worthy of research. In this paper, we find two imaginarity measures, one of which is induced by $\alpha$--$z$--R\'enyi relative entropy and the other defined for positive definite density matrices is induced by Tsallis relative operator entropy. The relationships between different imaginarity measures and their properties are also discussed.
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