Delayed Electron-Ion Entanglement Revealed with Zero Area Pulses
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- Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2024 09:52:24 GMT
- Title: Delayed Electron-Ion Entanglement Revealed with Zero Area Pulses
- Authors: Axel Stenquist, Jan Marcus Dahlström,
- Abstract summary: The Grobe--Eberly doublet phenomenon occurs in photoelectron distributions when the remaining ion is dressed by a field.
Here, we find that odd (zero-area) envelopes can substantially delay the generation of entanglement.
Our proposed scheme opens up for detection of quantum entanglement, between photoelectrons and stongly-coupled ions, without a need for quantum phase measurements.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: The Grobe--Eberly doublet phenomenon occurs in photoelectron distributions when the remaining ion is dressed by a field. As was recently shown, the doublet can be interpreted as a signature of quantum entanglement between photoelectrons and strongly coupled ions. However, the dressed state nature of the ion prevents detection of the entanglement by straightforward coincidence detection. Here, we find that odd (zero-area) envelopes can substantially delay the generation of entanglement, but also modify the dynamics such that the doublet transforms into unique channel-resolved photoelectron distributions. Because these distributions can be used to correlate with the internal state of the ion, our proposed scheme opens up for detection of quantum entanglement, between photoelectrons and stongly-coupled ions, without a need for quantum phase measurements.
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