Free-Moving Object Reconstruction and Pose Estimation with Virtual Camera
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 10 May 2024 15:57:13 GMT
- Title: Free-Moving Object Reconstruction and Pose Estimation with Virtual Camera
- Authors: Haixin Shi, Yinlin Hu, Daniel Koguciuk, Juan-Ting Lin, Mathieu Salzmann, David Ferstl,
- Abstract summary: We propose a method that allows free interaction with the object in front of a moving camera without relying on any prior.
We evaluate our method on the standard HO3D dataset and a collection of egocentric RGB sequences captured with a head-mounted device.
- Score: 48.28267757418792
- License:
- Abstract: We propose an approach for reconstructing free-moving object from a monocular RGB video. Most existing methods either assume scene prior, hand pose prior, object category pose prior, or rely on local optimization with multiple sequence segments. We propose a method that allows free interaction with the object in front of a moving camera without relying on any prior, and optimizes the sequence globally without any segments. We progressively optimize the object shape and pose simultaneously based on an implicit neural representation. A key aspect of our method is a virtual camera system that reduces the search space of the optimization significantly. We evaluate our method on the standard HO3D dataset and a collection of egocentric RGB sequences captured with a head-mounted device. We demonstrate that our approach outperforms most methods significantly, and is on par with recent techniques that assume prior information.
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