How much entanglement is needed for emergent anyons and fermions?
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- Date: Thu, 16 May 2024 15:29:11 GMT
- Title: How much entanglement is needed for emergent anyons and fermions?
- Authors: Zhi Li, Dongjin Lee, Beni Yoshida,
- Abstract summary: We provide quantitative characterizations of entanglement necessary for emergent anyons and fermions.
For systems with emergent fermions, despite that the ground state subspaces could be exponentially huge, we show that the GEM also scales linearly in the system size.
Our results also establish an intriguing link between quantum anomaly and entanglement.
- Score: 9.27220088595816
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- Abstract: It is known that particles with exotic properties can emerge in systems made of simple constituents such as qubits, due to long-range quantum entanglement. In this paper, we provide quantitative characterizations of entanglement necessary for emergent anyons and fermions by using the geometric entanglement measure (GEM) which quantifies the maximal overlap between a given state and any short-range entangled states. For systems with emergent anyons, based on the braiding statistics, we show that the GEM scales linearly in the system size regardless of microscopic details. The phenomenon of emergent anyons can also be understood within the framework of quantum error correction (QEC). Specifically, we show that the GEM of any 2D stabilizer codes must be at least quadratic in the code distance. Our proof is based on a generic prescription for constructing string operators, establishing a rigorous and direct connection between emergent anyons and QEC. For systems with emergent fermions, despite that the ground state subspaces could be exponentially huge and their coding properties could be rather poor, we show that the GEM also scales linearly in the system size. Our results also establish an intriguing link between quantum anomaly and entanglement: a quantum state respecting anomalous $1$-form symmetries, be it pure or mixed, must be long-range entangled and have large GEM, offering a non-trivial class of intrinsically mixed state phases.
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