Gamma-protocol for secure transmission of information
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- Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 13:49:46 GMT
- Title: Gamma-protocol for secure transmission of information
- Authors: R. Shakhmuratov, A. Zinnatullin, F. Vagizov,
- Abstract summary: Quantum objects, such as single photons, are ideal carriers for secure information transmission.
BB84 is the first quantum cryptography protocol for a quantum key generation and distribution.
We propose a completely different protocol based on an ensemble of radioactive nuclei randomly emitting a stream of gamma-photons.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Secure communication that allows only the sender and intended recipient of a message to view its content has a long history. Quantum objects, such as single photons are ideal carriers for secure information transmission because, according to the no-cloning theorem [1], it is impossible to create an identical and independent copy of an arbitrary quantum state while its detection leads to the information distortion. BB84 [2,3] is the first quantum cryptography protocol for a quantum key generation and distribution, based on single photon sources. This quantum key is used for coding and decoding of classical information. We propose completely different protocol based on a stochastic decay of an ensemble of radioactive nuclei randomly emitting a stream of gamma-photons. We experimentally demonstrate a method how to transmit classical information containing binary bits (0 or 1) with the help of this stream. Transmission is organized such that eavesdropping is impossible since the presence of information in the stream of randomly emitted gamma-photons can be hidden. Reading of this information needs precise knowledge of the repetition rate of its sending in advance. It is unrealistic for the eavesdropper to disclose this rate, and without knowledge of this parameter it is impossible to make the transmitted information visible.
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