QUICK$^3$ -- Design of a satellite-based quantum light source for
quantum communication and extended physical theory tests in space
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2301.11177v2
- Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2023 14:29:29 GMT
- Title: QUICK$^3$ -- Design of a satellite-based quantum light source for
quantum communication and extended physical theory tests in space
- Authors: Najme Ahmadi, Sven Schwertfeger, Philipp Werner, Lukas Wiese, Joseph
Lester, Elisa Da Ros, Josefine Krause, Sebastian Ritter, Mostafa Abasifard,
Chanaprom Cholsuk, Ria G. Kr\"amer, Simone Atzeni, Mustafa G\"undo\u{g}an,
Subash Sachidananda, Daniel Pardo, Stefan Nolte, Alexander Lohrmann,
Alexander Ling, Julian Bartholom\"aus, Giacomo Corrielli, Markus Krutzik,
Tobias Vogl
- Abstract summary: Single photon source can enhance secure data rates in satellite-based quantum key distribution scenarios.
payload is being integrated into a 3U CubeSat and scheduled for launch in 2024 into low Earth orbit.
- Score: 73.86330563258117
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Modern quantum technologies have matured such that they can now be used in
space applications, e.g., long-distance quantum communication. Here, we present
the design of a compact true single photon source that can enhance the secure
data rates in satellite-based quantum key distribution scenarios compared to
conventional laser-based light sources. Our quantum light source is a
fluorescent color center in hexagonal boron nitride. The emitter is
off-resonantly excited by a diode laser and directly coupled to an integrated
photonic processor that routes the photons to different experiments performed
directly on-chip: (i) the characterization of the single photon source and (ii)
testing a fundamental postulate of quantum mechanics, namely the relation of
the probability density and the wave function (known as Born's rule). The
described payload is currently being integrated into a 3U CubeSat and scheduled
for launch in 2024 into low Earth orbit. We can therefore evaluate the
feasibility of true single photon sources and reconfigurable photonic circuits
in space. This provides a promising route toward a high-speed quantum network.
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