An even-parity precession protocol for detecting nonclassicality and entanglement
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- Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 08:52:55 GMT
- Title: An even-parity precession protocol for detecting nonclassicality and entanglement
- Authors: Jinyan Chen, Jackson Tiong, Lin Htoo Zaw, Valerio Scarani,
- Abstract summary: We introduce an even-parity precession protocol that can detect nonclassicality of some quantum states.
Unlike other nonclassicality tests, simultaneous or sequential measurements are not required.
This work also closes a long-standing gap by showing the possibility of detecting the Greenberger--Horne--Zeilinger entanglement of an even number of qubits.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We introduce an even-parity precession protocol that can detect nonclassicality of some quantum states using only measurements of a uniformly-precessing variable at different points in time. Depending on the system under study, the protocol may detect the Wigner negativity of a single quantum harmonic oscillator or of a single spin $j\geq 2$; the non-Gaussian entanglement of two harmonic oscillators; or genuine multipartite entanglement of a spin ensemble, whose total spin is integer. Unlike other nonclassicality tests, simultaneous or sequential measurements are not required. Our protocol can also detect states that commute with the parity operator, which were missed by similar protocols built from Tsirelson's original precession protocol. This work also closes a long-standing gap by showing the possibility of detecting the Greenberger--Horne--Zeilinger entanglement of an even number of qubits using only collective spin measurements.
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