論文の概要: Rate-Preserving Reductions for Blackwell Approachability
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2406.07585v1
- Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 23:23:52 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-06-13 21:45:26.457606
- Title: Rate-Preserving Reductions for Blackwell Approachability
- Title(参考訳): ブラックウェルの接近性に対する保存率低減
- Authors: Christoph Dann, Yishay Mansour, Mehryar Mohri, Jon Schneider, Balasubramanian Sivan,
- Abstract要約: Abernethy et al. (2011) はブラックウェルのアプローチ可能性と非回帰学習が等価であることを示した。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 72.03309261614991
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Abernethy et al. (2011) showed that Blackwell approachability and no-regret learning are equivalent, in the sense that any algorithm that solves a specific Blackwell approachability instance can be converted to a sublinear regret algorithm for a specific no-regret learning instance, and vice versa. In this paper, we study a more fine-grained form of such reductions, and ask when this translation between problems preserves not only a sublinear rate of convergence, but also preserves the optimal rate of convergence. That is, in which cases does it suffice to find the optimal regret bound for a no-regret learning instance in order to find the optimal rate of convergence for a corresponding approachability instance? We show that the reduction of Abernethy et al. (2011) does not preserve rates: their reduction may reduce a $d$-dimensional approachability instance $I_1$ with optimal convergence rate $R_1$ to a no-regret learning instance $I_2$ with optimal regret-per-round of $R_2$, with $R_{2}/R_{1}$ arbitrarily large (in particular, it is possible that $R_1 = 0$ and $R_{2} > 0$). On the other hand, we show that it is possible to tightly reduce any approachability instance to an instance of a generalized form of regret minimization we call improper $\phi$-regret minimization (a variant of the $\phi$-regret minimization of Gordon et al. (2008) where the transformation functions may map actions outside of the action set). Finally, we characterize when linear transformations suffice to reduce improper $\phi$-regret minimization problems to standard classes of regret minimization problems in a rate preserving manner. We prove that some improper $\phi$-regret minimization instances cannot be reduced to either subclass of instance in this way, suggesting that approachability can capture some problems that cannot be phrased in the language of online learning.
- Abstract(参考訳): Abernethy et al (2011) は、特定のブラックウェルアプローチ性インスタンスを解くアルゴリズムは、特定の非回帰学習インスタンスのサブ線形後悔アルゴリズムに変換できるという意味で、ブラックウェルアプローチ性と非回帰学習は等価であることを示した。
Abernethy et al (2011) の減少は、例えば、$d$-dimensional approachability instance $I_1$ を、最適収束率$R_1$ を任意の再帰学習インスタンス $R_2$ に還元する(特に、$R_{2}/R_{1}$ は、$R_1 = 0$ と $R_{2} > 0$ が任意に大きい)。
一方、任意のアプローチ可能性のインスタンスを、不適切な$\phi$-regret最小化(Gordon et al (2008) の$\phi$-regret最小化の変種)と呼ぶ一般的な後悔の形のインスタンスに厳密に還元することは可能である。
最後に, 線形変換が不適切な$\phi$-regret最小化問題を, 保留率で最小化問題の標準クラスに還元するのに十分である場合を特徴付ける。
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