Schrödinger cats coupled with cavities losses: the effect of finite and structured reservoirs
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- Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 16:33:02 GMT
- Title: Schrödinger cats coupled with cavities losses: the effect of finite and structured reservoirs
- Authors: J. Lira, L. Sanz,
- Abstract summary: We discuss the generation of a Schr"odinger cat in a nanocavity created by the coupling of an electromagnetic mode with an exciton in a quantum dot.
More than the generation itself, we focus on the effects of the environment over the bosonic state in the nanocavity.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We discuss the generation of a Schr\"odinger cat in a nanocavity created by the coupling of an electromagnetic mode with an exciton in a quantum dot considering the dispersive limit of the Jaynes-Cummings model. More than the generation itself, we focus on the effects of the environment over the bosonic state in the nanocavity, which has losses simulated by coupling with two different kind of reservoirs. In the first case, the interaction between the system with a finite reservoir shows that fragments of different sizes of the reservoir deliver the same amount of information about the physical system in the dynamics of the birth and death of the Schr\"odinger cat. The second case considers a structured reservoir, whose spectral density varies significantly with frequency. This situation becomes relevant in solid-state devices where quantum channels are embedded, as memory effects generally cannot be neglected. Under these circumstances, it is observed that the dynamics can differ substantially from the Markovian, presenting oscillations related to the average number of photons. These oscillations influence the information flow between the system and the environment, evidenced here by the measurement of non-Markovianity.
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