A Variational Bayesian Inference Theory of Elasticity and Its Mixed Probabilistic Finite Element Method for Inverse Deformation Solutions in Any Dimension
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2410.07605v2
- Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2024 18:17:53 GMT
- Title: A Variational Bayesian Inference Theory of Elasticity and Its Mixed Probabilistic Finite Element Method for Inverse Deformation Solutions in Any Dimension
- Authors: Chao Wang, Shaofan Li,
- Abstract summary: The elastic strain energy is used as a prior in a Bayesian inference network.
The proposed method is able to inversely predict continuum deformation mappings with strong discontinuity or fracture.
- Score: 3.9900555221077396
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In this work, we have developed a variational Bayesian inference theory of elasticity, which is accomplished by using a mixed Variational Bayesian inference Finite Element Method (VBI-FEM) that can be used to solve the inverse deformation problems of continua. In the proposed variational Bayesian inference theory of continuum mechanics, the elastic strain energy is used as a prior in a Bayesian inference network, which can intelligently recover the detailed continuum deformation mappings with only given the information on the deformed and undeformed continuum body shapes without knowing the interior deformation and the precise actual boundary conditions, both traction as well as displacement boundary conditions, and the actual material constitutive relation. Moreover, we have implemented the related finite element formulation in a computational probabilistic mechanics framework. To numerically solve mixed variational problem, we developed an operator splitting or staggered algorithm that consists of the finite element (FE) step and the Bayesian learning (BL) step as an analogue of the well-known the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. By solving the mixed probabilistic Galerkin variational problem, we demonstrated that the proposed method is able to inversely predict continuum deformation mappings with strong discontinuity or fracture without knowing the external load conditions. The proposed method provides a robust machine intelligent solution for the long-sought-after inverse problem solution, which has been a major challenge in structure failure forensic pattern analysis in past several decades. The proposed method may become a promising artificial intelligence-based inverse method for solving general partial differential equations.
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