Sensor-fusion based Prognostics Framework for Complex Engineering Systems Exhibiting Multiple Failure Modes
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- Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2024 01:52:59 GMT
- Title: Sensor-fusion based Prognostics Framework for Complex Engineering Systems Exhibiting Multiple Failure Modes
- Authors: Benjamin Peters, Ayush Mohanty, Xiaolei Fang, Stephen K. Robinson, Nagi Gebraeel,
- Abstract summary: Complex engineering systems are often subject to multiple failure modes.
In this paper, we present a simultaneous clustering and sensor selection approach for unlabeled training datasets.
- Score: 1.5379084885764847
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- Abstract: Complex engineering systems are often subject to multiple failure modes. Developing a remaining useful life (RUL) prediction model that does not consider the failure mode causing degradation is likely to result in inaccurate predictions. However, distinguishing between causes of failure without manually inspecting the system is nontrivial. This challenge is increased when the causes of historically observed failures are unknown. Sensors, which are useful for monitoring the state-of-health of systems, can also be used for distinguishing between multiple failure modes as the presence of multiple failure modes results in discriminatory behavior of the sensor signals. When systems are equipped with multiple sensors, some sensors may exhibit behavior correlated with degradation, while other sensors do not. Furthermore, which sensors exhibit this behavior may differ for each failure mode. In this paper, we present a simultaneous clustering and sensor selection approach for unlabeled training datasets of systems exhibiting multiple failure modes. The cluster assignments and the selected sensors are then utilized in real-time to first diagnose the active failure mode and then to predict the system RUL. We validate the complete pipeline of the methodology using a simulated dataset of systems exhibiting two failure modes and on a turbofan degradation dataset from NASA.
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