Physics-informed Transformers for Electronic Quantum States
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- Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 19:00:00 GMT
- Title: Physics-informed Transformers for Electronic Quantum States
- Authors: João Augusto Sobral, Michael Perle, Mathias S. Scheurer,
- Abstract summary: We propose a modified variational Monte-Carlo framework for neural quantum-state representations.
A Transformer is used to parametrize and autoregressively sample the corrections to the reference state.
This work paves the way for more efficient and interpretable neural quantum-state representations.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Neural-network-based variational quantum states in general, and more recently autoregressive models in particular, have proven to be powerful tools to describe complex many-body wave functions. However, their performance crucially depends on the computational basis chosen and they often lack physical interpretability. To mitigate these issues, we here propose a modified variational Monte-Carlo framework which leverages prior physical information to construct a computational second-quantized basis containing a reference state that serves as a rough approximation to the true ground state. In this basis, a Transformer is used to parametrize and autoregressively sample the corrections to the reference state, giving rise to a more interpretable and computationally efficient representation of the ground state. We demonstrate this approach using a non-sparse fermionic model featuring a metal-insulator transition and employing Hartree-Fock and a strong-coupling limit to define physics-informed bases. We also show that the Transformer's hidden representation captures the natural energetic order of the different basis states. This work paves the way for more efficient and interpretable neural quantum-state representations.
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