論文の概要: Finding Reproducible and Prognostic Radiomic Features in Variable Slice Thickness Contrast Enhanced CT of Colorectal Liver Metastases
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2501.11221v1
- Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2025 02:11:51 GMT
- ステータス: 翻訳完了
- システム内更新日: 2025-01-22 14:20:59.591998
- Title: Finding Reproducible and Prognostic Radiomic Features in Variable Slice Thickness Contrast Enhanced CT of Colorectal Liver Metastases
- Title(参考訳): 大腸癌肝転移に対する各種スライス厚造影CTの有用性
- Authors: Jacob J. Peoples, Mohammad Hamghalam, Imani James, Maida Wasim, Natalie Gangai, Hyunseon Christine Kang, X. John Rong, Yun Shin Chun, Richard K. G. Do, Amber L. Simpson,
- Abstract要約: 放射線署名は、パーソナライズされた医療にとって価値のある臨床上の重要な結果と有意義に関連付けられなければならない。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 1.8833943362533838
- License:
- Abstract: Establishing the reproducibility of radiomic signatures is a critical step in the path to clinical adoption of quantitative imaging biomarkers; however, radiomic signatures must also be meaningfully related to an outcome of clinical importance to be of value for personalized medicine. In this study, we analyze both the reproducibility and prognostic value of radiomic features extracted from the liver parenchyma and largest liver metastases in contrast enhanced CT scans of patients with colorectal liver metastases (CRLM). A prospective cohort of 81 patients from two major US cancer centers was used to establish the reproducibility of radiomic features extracted from images reconstructed with different slice thicknesses. A publicly available, single-center cohort of 197 preoperative scans from patients who underwent hepatic resection for treatment of CRLM was used to evaluate the prognostic value of features and models to predict overall survival. A standard set of 93 features was extracted from all images, with a set of eight different extractor settings. The feature extraction settings producing the most reproducible, as well as the most prognostically discriminative feature values were highly dependent on both the region of interest and the specific feature in question. While the best overall predictive model was produced using features extracted with a particular setting, without accounting for reproducibility, (C-index = 0.630 (0.603--0.649)) an equivalent-performing model (C-index = 0.629 (0.605--0.645)) was produced by pooling features from all extraction settings, and thresholding features with low reproducibility ($\mathrm{CCC} \geq 0.85$), prior to feature selection. Our findings support a data-driven approach to feature extraction and selection, preferring the inclusion of many features, and narrowing feature selection based on reproducibility when relevant data is available.
- Abstract(参考訳): 放射性シグネチャの再現性を確立することは、定量的イメージングバイオマーカーの臨床導入への道のりの重要なステップであるが、同時に、放射性シグネチャは、パーソナライズド医療にとって価値のある臨床的重要性の結果と有意義な関係を持つ必要がある。
本研究は,大腸癌肝転移 (CRLM) のCT像と対比し, 肝発作および肝転移から抽出した放射線学的特徴の再現性と予後について検討した。
CRLM治療に肝切除を施行した患者197例を対象に, 全身生存予測のための特徴とモデルの予後評価を行った。
C-index = 0.630 (0.603--0.649)) の同等性能モデル (C-index = 0.629 (0.605--0.645)) は、すべての抽出設定の特徴をプールし、再現性の低い機能(\mathrm{CCC} \geq 0.85$) を抽出する前に、特定の設定で抽出された機能を用いて、最高の全体的な予測モデルが作成された。
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