Automatic Machine Learning Framework to Study Morphological Parameters of AGN Host Galaxies within $z < 1.4$ in the Hyper Supreme-Cam Wide Survey
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- Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2025 03:04:34 GMT
- Title: Automatic Machine Learning Framework to Study Morphological Parameters of AGN Host Galaxies within $z < 1.4$ in the Hyper Supreme-Cam Wide Survey
- Authors: Chuan Tian, C. Megan Urry, Aritra Ghosh, Daisuke Nagai, Tonima T. Ananna, Meredith C. Powell, Connor Auge, Aayush Mishra, David B. Sanders, Nico Cappelluti, Kevin Schawinski,
- Abstract summary: We present a machine learning framework to estimate posterior distributions of bulge-to-total light ratio, half-light radius, and flux for AGN host galaxies.
We use PSFGAN to decompose the AGN point source light from its host galaxy, and invoke the Galaxy Morphology Posterior Estimation Network (GaMPEN) to estimate morphological parameters.
Our framework runs at least three orders of magnitude faster than traditional light-profile fitting methods.
- Score: 4.6218496439194805
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- Abstract: We present a composite machine learning framework to estimate posterior probability distributions of bulge-to-total light ratio, half-light radius, and flux for Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) host galaxies within $z<1.4$ and $m<23$ in the Hyper Supreme-Cam Wide survey. We divide the data into five redshift bins: low ($0<z<0.25$), mid ($0.25<z<0.5$), high ($0.5<z<0.9$), extra ($0.9<z<1.1$) and extreme ($1.1<z<1.4$), and train our models independently in each bin. We use PSFGAN to decompose the AGN point source light from its host galaxy, and invoke the Galaxy Morphology Posterior Estimation Network (GaMPEN) to estimate morphological parameters of the recovered host galaxy. We first trained our models on simulated data, and then fine-tuned our algorithm via transfer learning using labeled real data. To create training labels for transfer learning, we used GALFIT to fit $\sim 20,000$ real HSC galaxies in each redshift bin. We comprehensively examined that the predicted values from our final models agree well with the GALFIT values for the vast majority of cases. Our PSFGAN + GaMPEN framework runs at least three orders of magnitude faster than traditional light-profile fitting methods, and can be easily retrained for other morphological parameters or on other datasets with diverse ranges of resolutions, seeing conditions, and signal-to-noise ratios, making it an ideal tool for analyzing AGN host galaxies from large surveys coming soon from the Rubin-LSST, Euclid, and Roman telescopes.
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