TD-M(PC)$^2$: Improving Temporal Difference MPC Through Policy Constraint
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- Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 19:08:42 GMT
- Title: TD-M(PC)$^2$: Improving Temporal Difference MPC Through Policy Constraint
- Authors: Haotian Lin, Pengcheng Wang, Jeff Schneider, Guanya Shi,
- Abstract summary: Model-based reinforcement learning algorithms combine model-based planning and learned value/policy prior.
Existing methods that rely on standard SAC-style policy iteration for value learning often result in emphpersistent value overestimation.
We propose a policy regularization term reducing out-of-distribution (OOD) queries, thereby improving value learning.
- Score: 11.347808936693152
- License:
- Abstract: Model-based reinforcement learning algorithms that combine model-based planning and learned value/policy prior have gained significant recognition for their high data efficiency and superior performance in continuous control. However, we discover that existing methods that rely on standard SAC-style policy iteration for value learning, directly using data generated by the planner, often result in \emph{persistent value overestimation}. Through theoretical analysis and experiments, we argue that this issue is deeply rooted in the structural policy mismatch between the data generation policy that is always bootstrapped by the planner and the learned policy prior. To mitigate such a mismatch in a minimalist way, we propose a policy regularization term reducing out-of-distribution (OOD) queries, thereby improving value learning. Our method involves minimum changes on top of existing frameworks and requires no additional computation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach improves performance over baselines such as TD-MPC2 by large margins, particularly in 61-DoF humanoid tasks. View qualitative results at
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