Improved Regret Analysis in Gaussian Process Bandits: Optimality for Noiseless Reward, RKHS norm, and Non-Stationary Variance
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- Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2025 11:29:27 GMT
- Title: Improved Regret Analysis in Gaussian Process Bandits: Optimality for Noiseless Reward, RKHS norm, and Non-Stationary Variance
- Authors: Shogo Iwazaki, Shion Takeno,
- Abstract summary: We study the Gaussian process (GP) bandit problem, whose goal is to minimize regret under an unknown reward function.
We show the new upper bound of the maximum posterior variance, which improves the dependence of the noise variance parameters of the GP.
We show that MVR and PE-based algorithms achieve noise variance-dependent regret upper bounds, which matches our regret lower bound.
- Score: 6.379833644595456
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- Abstract: We study the Gaussian process (GP) bandit problem, whose goal is to minimize regret under an unknown reward function lying in some reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). The maximum posterior variance analysis is vital in analyzing near-optimal GP bandit algorithms such as maximum variance reduction (MVR) and phased elimination (PE). Therefore, we first show the new upper bound of the maximum posterior variance, which improves the dependence of the noise variance parameters of the GP. By leveraging this result, we refine the MVR and PE to obtain (i) a nearly optimal regret upper bound in the noiseless setting and (ii) regret upper bounds that are optimal with respect to the RKHS norm of the reward function. Furthermore, as another application of our proposed bound, we analyze the GP bandit under the time-varying noise variance setting, which is the kernelized extension of the linear bandit with heteroscedastic noise. For this problem, we show that MVR and PE-based algorithms achieve noise variance-dependent regret upper bounds, which matches our regret lower bound.
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