Maximizing free energy gain
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- Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2025 20:33:54 GMT
- Title: Maximizing free energy gain
- Authors: Artemy Kolchinsky, Iman Marvian, Can Gokler, Zi-Wen Liu, Peter Shor, Oles Shtanko, Kevin Thompson, David Wolpert, Seth Lloyd,
- Abstract summary: We consider how the free energy gain depends on the initial state of the system.
We derive formulae that relate the free energy gained using the optimal initial state rather than another suboptimal initial state.
- Score: 4.039646578632638
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- Abstract: Maximizing the amount of work harvested from an environment is important for a wide variety of biological and technological processes, from energy-harvesting processes such as photosynthesisto energy storage systems such as fuels and batteries. Here we consider the maximization of free energy -- and by extension, the maximum extractable work -- that can be gained by a classical or quantum system that undergoes driving by its environment. We consider how the free energy gain depends on the initial state of the system, while also accounting for the cost of preparing the system. We provide simple necessary and sufficient conditions for increasing the gain of free energy by varying the initial state. We also derive simple formulae that relate the free energy gained using the optimal initial state rather than another suboptimal initial state. Finally, we demonstrate that the problem of finding the optimal initial state may have two distinct regimes, one easy and one difficult, depending on the temperatures used for preparation and work extraction. We illustrate our results on a simple model of an information engine.
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