Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Circle Bin Packing Problem
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- Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2020 10:14:15 GMT
- Title: Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Circle Bin Packing Problem
- Authors: Kun He, Kevin Tole, Fei Ni, Yong Yuan, Linyun Liao
- Abstract summary: We address a new variant of packing problem called the circle bin packing problem (CBPP)
CBPP is to find a dense packing of circle items to multiple square bins so as to minimize the number of used bins.
We propose an adaptive large neighborhood search (ALNS) algorithm, which uses our Greedy Algorithm with Corner Occupying Action (GACOA) to construct an initial layout.
- Score: 8.855116523397935
- License:
- Abstract: We address a new variant of packing problem called the circle bin packing
problem (CBPP), which is to find a dense packing of circle items to multiple
square bins so as to minimize the number of used bins. To this end, we propose
an adaptive large neighborhood search (ALNS) algorithm, which uses our Greedy
Algorithm with Corner Occupying Action (GACOA) to construct an initial layout.
The greedy solution is usually in a local optimum trap, and ALNS enables
multiple neighborhood search that depends on the stochastic annealing schedule
to avoid getting stuck in local minimum traps. Specifically, ALNS perturbs the
current layout to jump out of a local optimum by iteratively reassigns some
circles and accepts the new layout with some probability during the search. The
acceptance probability is adjusted adaptively using simulated annealing that
fine-tunes the search direction in order to reach the global optimum. We
benchmark computational results against GACOA in heterogeneous instances. ALNS
always outperforms GACOA in improving the objective function, and in several
cases, there is a significant reduction on the number of bins used in the
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