Learning Object Placements For Relational Instructions by Hallucinating
Scene Representations
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2001.08481v2
- Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 18:14:11 GMT
- Title: Learning Object Placements For Relational Instructions by Hallucinating
Scene Representations
- Authors: Oier Mees, Alp Emek, Johan Vertens, Wolfram Burgard
- Abstract summary: We present a convolutional neural network for estimating pixelwise object placement probabilities for a set of spatial relations from a single input image.
Our method does not require ground truth data for the pixelwise relational probabilities or 3D models of the objects.
Results obtained using real-world data and human-robot experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.
- Score: 26.897316325189205
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Robots coexisting with humans in their environment and performing services
for them need the ability to interact with them. One particular requirement for
such robots is that they are able to understand spatial relations and can place
objects in accordance with the spatial relations expressed by their user. In
this work, we present a convolutional neural network for estimating pixelwise
object placement probabilities for a set of spatial relations from a single
input image. During training, our network receives the learning signal by
classifying hallucinated high-level scene representations as an auxiliary task.
Unlike previous approaches, our method does not require ground truth data for
the pixelwise relational probabilities or 3D models of the objects, which
significantly expands the applicability in practical applications. Our results
obtained using real-world data and human-robot experiments demonstrate the
effectiveness of our method in reasoning about the best way to place objects to
reproduce a spatial relation. Videos of our experiments can be found at
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