Majorization Minimization Methods for Distributed Pose Graph
Optimization with Convergence Guarantees
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- Date: Tue, 4 May 2021 14:18:39 GMT
- Title: Majorization Minimization Methods for Distributed Pose Graph
Optimization with Convergence Guarantees
- Authors: Taosha Fan and Todd Murphey
- Abstract summary: We show that our proposed methods are guaranteed to converge to first-order critical points under mild conditions.
Since our proposed methods rely a proximal operator of distributed PGO, the convergence rate can be significantly accelerated.
The efficacy of this work is validated through applications on a number of 2D and 3D SLAM datasets.
- Score: 0.76146285961466
- License:
- Abstract: In this paper, we consider the problem of distributed pose graph optimization
(PGO) that has extensive applications in multi-robot simultaneous localization
and mapping (SLAM). We propose majorization minimization methods to distributed
PGO and show that our proposed methods are guaranteed to converge to
first-order critical points under mild conditions. Furthermore, since our
proposed methods rely a proximal operator of distributed PGO, the convergence
rate can be significantly accelerated with Nesterov's method, and more
importantly, the acceleration induces no compromise of theoretical guarantees.
In addition, we also present accelerated majorization minimization methods to
the distributed chordal initialization that have a quadratic convergence, which
can be used to compute an initial guess for distributed PGO. The efficacy of
this work is validated through applications on a number of 2D and 3D SLAM
datasets and comparisons with existing state-of-the-art methods, which
indicates that our proposed methods have faster convergence and result in
better solutions to distributed PGO.
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