Enhancing LIDAR performance metrics using continuous-wave photon-pair
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2004.06754v1
- Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 18:49:34 GMT
- Title: Enhancing LIDAR performance metrics using continuous-wave photon-pair
- Authors: Han Liu, Daniel Giovannini, Haoyu He, Duncan England, Benjamin J.
Sussman, Bhashyam Balaji, and Amr S. Helmy
- Abstract summary: We exploit the strong temporal correlation within the photon pairs generated in continuous-wave pumped semiconductor waveguides to enhance LIDAR performance metrics.
The experimental result shows significant advantages offered by the enhanced scheme with up to 26.3 dB higher performance in terms of estimation uncertainty.
- Score: 6.458154824402387
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In order to enhance LIDAR performance metrics such as target detection
sensitivity, noise resilience and ranging accuracy, we exploit the strong
temporal correlation within the photon pairs generated in continuous-wave
pumped semiconductor waveguides. The enhancement attained through the use of
such non-classical sources is measured and compared to a corresponding target
detection scheme based on simple photon-counting detection. The performances of
both schemes are quantified by the estimation uncertainty and Fisher
information of the probe photon transmission, which is a widely adopted sensing
figure of merit. The target detection experiments are conducted with high probe
channel loss (\(\simeq 1-5\times10^{-5}\)) and formidable environment noise up
to 36 dB stronger than the detected probe power of \(1.64\times 10^{-5}\) pW.
The experimental result shows significant advantages offered by the enhanced
scheme with up to 26.3 dB higher performance in terms of estimation
uncertainty, which is equivalent to a reduction of target detection time by a
factor of 430 or 146 (21.6 dB) times more resilience to noise. We also
experimentally demonstrated ranging with these non-classical photon pairs
generated with continuous-wave pump in the presence of strong noise and loss,
achieving \(\approx\)5 cm distance resolution that is limited by the temporal
resolution of the detectors.
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