Targeted Attack for Deep Hashing based Retrieval
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- Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 08:24:04 GMT
- Title: Targeted Attack for Deep Hashing based Retrieval
- Authors: Jiawang Bai, Bin Chen, Yiming Li, Dongxian Wu, Weiwei Guo, Shu-tao
Xia, En-hui Yang
- Abstract summary: We propose a novel method, dubbed deep hashing targeted attack (DHTA), to study the targeted attack on such retrieval.
We first formulate the targeted attack as a point-to-set optimization, which minimizes the average distance between the hash code of an adversarial example and those of a set of objects with the target label.
To balance the performance and perceptibility, we propose to minimize the Hamming distance between the hash code of the adversarial example and the anchor code under the $ellinfty$ restriction on the perturbation.
- Score: 57.582221494035856
- License:
- Abstract: The deep hashing based retrieval method is widely adopted in large-scale
image and video retrieval. However, there is little investigation on its
security. In this paper, we propose a novel method, dubbed deep hashing
targeted attack (DHTA), to study the targeted attack on such retrieval.
Specifically, we first formulate the targeted attack as a point-to-set
optimization, which minimizes the average distance between the hash code of an
adversarial example and those of a set of objects with the target label. Then
we design a novel component-voting scheme to obtain an anchor code as the
representative of the set of hash codes of objects with the target label, whose
optimality guarantee is also theoretically derived. To balance the performance
and perceptibility, we propose to minimize the Hamming distance between the
hash code of the adversarial example and the anchor code under the
$\ell^\infty$ restriction on the perturbation. Extensive experiments verify
that DHTA is effective in attacking both deep hashing based image retrieval and
video retrieval.
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