Explaining Autonomous Driving by Learning End-to-End Visual Attention
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.03347v1
- Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2020 10:12:31 GMT
- Title: Explaining Autonomous Driving by Learning End-to-End Visual Attention
- Authors: Luca Cultrera, Lorenzo Seidenari, Federico Becattini, Pietro Pala,
Alberto Del Bimbo
- Abstract summary: Current deep learning based autonomous driving approaches yield impressive results also leading to in-production deployment in certain controlled scenarios.
One of the most popular and fascinating approaches relies on learning vehicle controls directly from data perceived by sensors.
The main drawback of this approach as also in other learning problems is the lack of explainability. Indeed, a deep network will act as a black-box outputting predictions depending on previously seen driving patterns without giving any feedback on why such decisions were taken.
- Score: 25.09407072098823
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Current deep learning based autonomous driving approaches yield impressive
results also leading to in-production deployment in certain controlled
scenarios. One of the most popular and fascinating approaches relies on
learning vehicle controls directly from data perceived by sensors. This
end-to-end learning paradigm can be applied both in classical supervised
settings and using reinforcement learning. Nonetheless the main drawback of
this approach as also in other learning problems is the lack of explainability.
Indeed, a deep network will act as a black-box outputting predictions depending
on previously seen driving patterns without giving any feedback on why such
decisions were taken. While to obtain optimal performance it is not critical to
obtain explainable outputs from a learned agent, especially in such a safety
critical field, it is of paramount importance to understand how the network
behaves. This is particularly relevant to interpret failures of such systems.
In this work we propose to train an imitation learning based agent equipped
with an attention model. The attention model allows us to understand what part
of the image has been deemed most important. Interestingly, the use of
attention also leads to superior performance in a standard benchmark using the
CARLA driving simulator.
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