Deep Multimodal Transfer-Learned Regression in Data-Poor Domains
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- Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 16:52:44 GMT
- Title: Deep Multimodal Transfer-Learned Regression in Data-Poor Domains
- Authors: Levi McClenny, Mulugeta Haile, Vahid Attari, Brian Sadler, Ulisses
Braga-Neto, Raymundo Arroyave
- Abstract summary: We propose a Deep Multimodal Transfer-Learned Regressor (DMTL-R) for multimodal learning of image and feature data.
Our model is capable of fine-tuning a given set of pre-trained CNN weights on a small amount of training image data.
We present results using phase-field simulation microstructure images with an accompanying set of physical features, using pre-trained weights from various well-known CNN architectures.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: In many real-world applications of deep learning, estimation of a target may
rely on various types of input data modes, such as audio-video, image-text,
etc. This task can be further complicated by a lack of sufficient data. Here we
propose a Deep Multimodal Transfer-Learned Regressor (DMTL-R) for multimodal
learning of image and feature data in a deep regression architecture effective
at predicting target parameters in data-poor domains. Our model is capable of
fine-tuning a given set of pre-trained CNN weights on a small amount of
training image data, while simultaneously conditioning on feature information
from a complimentary data mode during network training, yielding more accurate
single-target or multi-target regression than can be achieved using the images
or the features alone. We present results using phase-field simulation
microstructure images with an accompanying set of physical features, using
pre-trained weights from various well-known CNN architectures, which
demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed multimodal approach.
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