Pareto Active Learning with Gaussian Processes and Adaptive
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- Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2021 11:26:34 GMT
- Title: Pareto Active Learning with Gaussian Processes and Adaptive
- Authors: Andi Nika, Kerem Bozgan, Sepehr Elahi, \c{C}a\u{g}{\i}n Ararat, Cem
- Abstract summary: We propose an algorithm that exploits the smoothness of the GP-sampled function and the structure of $(cal X,d)$ to learn fast.
In essence, Adaptive $boldsymbolepsilon$-PAL employs a tree-based adaptive discretization technique to identify an $boldsymbolepsilon$-accurate Pareto set of designs.
- Score: 12.179548969182573
- License:
- Abstract: We consider the problem of optimizing a vector-valued objective function
$\boldsymbol{f}$ sampled from a Gaussian Process (GP) whose index set is a
well-behaved, compact metric space $({\cal X},d)$ of designs. We assume that
$\boldsymbol{f}$ is not known beforehand and that evaluating $\boldsymbol{f}$
at design $x$ results in a noisy observation of $\boldsymbol{f}(x)$. Since
identifying the Pareto optimal designs via exhaustive search is infeasible when
the cardinality of ${\cal X}$ is large, we propose an algorithm, called
Adaptive $\boldsymbol{\epsilon}$-PAL, that exploits the smoothness of the
GP-sampled function and the structure of $({\cal X},d)$ to learn fast. In
essence, Adaptive $\boldsymbol{\epsilon}$-PAL employs a tree-based adaptive
discretization technique to identify an $\boldsymbol{\epsilon}$-accurate Pareto
set of designs in as few evaluations as possible. We provide both
information-type and metric dimension-type bounds on the sample complexity of
$\boldsymbol{\epsilon}$-accurate Pareto set identification. We also
experimentally show that our algorithm outperforms other Pareto set
identification methods on several benchmark datasets.
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