Effect of Strain on Band Engineering in Gapped Graphene
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.04579v2
- Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2021 15:25:24 GMT
- Title: Effect of Strain on Band Engineering in Gapped Graphene
- Authors: Hasna Chnafa, Miloud Mekkaoui, Ahmed Jellal, Abdelhadi Bahaoui
- Abstract summary: We study the effect of strain on the band engineering in gapped graphene subject to external sources.
By applying the Floquet theory, we determine the effective Hamiltonian of electron dressed by a linearly, circularly and an elliptically polarized dressing field.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We study the effect of strain on the band engineering in gapped graphene
subject to external sources. By applying the Floquet theory, we determine the
effective Hamiltonian of electron dressed by a linearly, circularly and an
elliptically polarized dressing field in the presence of strain along armchair
and zigzag directions. Our results show that the energy spectrum exhibits
different symmetries and for the strainless case it takes an isotropic and
anisotropic forms whatever the values of irradiation intensity, whereas it is
linear as in the case of pristine graphene. It increases slowly when strain is
applied along the armchair direction but rapidly for the zigzag case. Moreover,
it is found that the renormalized band gap changes along different strain
magnitudes and does not change for the polarization phase $\theta$ compared to
linear and circular polarizations where its values change oppositely.
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