Quantum reference frames and triality
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.05957v1
- Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2020 10:54:02 GMT
- Title: Quantum reference frames and triality
- Authors: Lee Smolin
- Abstract summary: I argue that there may be a symmetry that exchanges the degrees of freedom of the physical frame of reference with the other degrees of freedom which are measured relative to that frame.
This symmetry expresses the fact that the choice of frame of reference is arbitrary, but the same laws apply to all, including observer and observed.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In a background independent theory without boundary, physical observables may
be defined with respect to dynamical reference systems. However, I argue here
that there may be a symmetry that exchanges the degrees of freedom of the
physical frame of reference with the other degrees of freedom which are
measured relative to that frame. This symmetry expresses the fact that the
choice of frame of reference is arbitrary, but the same laws apply to all,
including observer and observed. It is then suggested that, in a canonical
description, this leads to an extension of the Born duality, which exchanges
coordinate and momentum variables to a triality that mixes both with the
temporal reference frame. This can also be expressed by extending 2n
dimensional symplectic geometry to a d= 2n+1 dimensional geometry with a cubic
invariant. The choice of a temporal reference frame breaks the triality of the
cubic invariant to the duality represented by the canonical two form. We
discover that a very elegant way to display this structure which encompasses
both classical and quantum mechanics, is in terms of matrix models based on a
cubic action. There we see explicitly in either case how a spontaneous symmetry
breaking leads to the emergence of a temporal reference frame.
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