Bit-Slicing the Hilbert Space: Scaling Up Accurate Quantum Circuit
Simulation to a New Level
- URL:
- Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2020 01:26:40 GMT
- Title: Bit-Slicing the Hilbert Space: Scaling Up Accurate Quantum Circuit
Simulation to a New Level
- Authors: Yuan-Hung Tsai, Jie-Hong R. Jiang, and Chiao-Shan Jhang
- Abstract summary: We enhance quantum circuit simulation in two dimensions: accuracy and scalability.
Experimental results demonstrate that our method can be superior to the state-of-the-art for various quantum circuits.
- Score: 10.765480856320018
- License:
- Abstract: Quantum computing is greatly advanced in recent years and is expected to
transform the computation paradigm in the near future. Quantum circuit
simulation plays a key role in the toolchain for the development of quantum
hardware and software systems. However, due to the enormous Hilbert space of
quantum states, simulating quantum circuits with classical computers is
extremely challenging despite notable efforts have been made. In this paper, we
enhance quantum circuit simulation in two dimensions: accuracy and scalability.
The former is achieved by using an algebraic representation of complex numbers;
the latter is achieved by bit-slicing the number representation and replacing
matrix-vector multiplication with symbolic Boolean function manipulation.
Experimental results demonstrate that our method can be superior to the
state-of-the-art for various quantum circuits and can simulate certain
benchmark families with up to tens of thousands of qubits.
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