Curriculum learning for improved femur fracture classification:
scheduling data with prior knowledge and uncertainty
- URL:
- Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2021 16:03:58 GMT
- Title: Curriculum learning for improved femur fracture classification:
scheduling data with prior knowledge and uncertainty
- Authors: Amelia Jim\'enez-S\'anchez, Diana Mateus, Sonja Kirchhoff, Chlodwig
Kirchhoff, Peter Biberthaler, Nassir Navab, Miguel A. Gonz\'alez Ballester,
Gemma Piella
- Abstract summary: We propose a method for the automatic classification of proximal femur fractures into 3 and 7 AO classes based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Our novel formulation reunites three curriculum strategies: individually weighting training samples, reordering the training set, and sampling subsets of data.
The curriculum improves proximal femur fracture classification up to the performance of experienced trauma surgeons.
- Score: 36.54112505898611
- License:
- Abstract: An adequate classification of proximal femur fractures from X-ray images is
crucial for the treatment choice and the patients' clinical outcome. We rely on
the commonly used AO system, which describes a hierarchical knowledge tree
classifying the images into types and subtypes according to the fracture's
location and complexity. In this paper, we propose a method for the automatic
classification of proximal femur fractures into 3 and 7 AO classes based on a
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). As it is known, CNNs need large and
representative datasets with reliable labels, which are hard to collect for the
application at hand. In this paper, we design a curriculum learning (CL)
approach that improves over the basic CNNs performance under such conditions.
Our novel formulation reunites three curriculum strategies: individually
weighting training samples, reordering the training set, and sampling subsets
of data. The core of these strategies is a scoring function ranking the
training samples. We define two novel scoring functions: one from
domain-specific prior knowledge and an original self-paced uncertainty score.
We perform experiments on a clinical dataset of proximal femur radiographs. The
curriculum improves proximal femur fracture classification up to the
performance of experienced trauma surgeons. The best curriculum method reorders
the training set based on prior knowledge resulting into a classification
improvement of 15%. Using the publicly available MNIST dataset, we further
discuss and demonstrate the benefits of our unified CL formulation for three
controlled and challenging digit recognition scenarios: with limited amounts of
data, under class-imbalance, and in the presence of label noise. The code of
our work is available at:
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