Quantum Theory Needs No 'Interpretation' But 'Theoretical
Formal-Conceptual Unity' (Or: Escaping Adan Cabello's "Map of Madness" With
the Help of David Deutsch's Explanations)
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2008.00321v1
- Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2020 19:10:06 GMT
- Title: Quantum Theory Needs No 'Interpretation' But 'Theoretical
Formal-Conceptual Unity' (Or: Escaping Adan Cabello's "Map of Madness" With
the Help of David Deutsch's Explanations)
- Authors: Christian de Ronde
- Abstract summary: We argue that there are reasons to believe that the creation of 'interpretations' for the theory of quanta has functioned as a trap designed by anti-realists.
We will argue that the key to escape the anti-realist trap of interpretation is to recognize that --as Einstein told Heisenberg almost one century ago-- it is only the theory which can tell you what can be observed.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In the year 2000, in a paper titled Quantum Theory Needs No 'Interpretation',
Chris Fuchs and Asher Peres presented a series of instrumentalist arguments
against the role played by 'interpretations' in QM. Since then --quite
regardless of the publication of this paper-- the number of interpretations has
experienced a continuous growth constituting what Adan Cabello has
characterized as a "map of madness". In this work, we discuss the reasons
behind this dangerous fragmentation in understanding and provide new arguments
against the need of interpretations in QM which --opposite to those of Fuchs
and Peres-- are derived from a representational realist understanding of
theories --grounded in the writings of Einstein, Heisenberg and Pauli.
Furthermore, we will argue that there are reasons to believe that the creation
of 'interpretations' for the theory of quanta has functioned as a trap designed
by anti-realists in order to imprison realists in a labyrinth with no exit.
Taking as a standpoint the critical analysis by David Deutsch to the
anti-realist understanding of physics, we attempt to address the references and
roles played by 'theory' and 'observation'. In this respect, we will argue that
the key to escape the anti-realist trap of interpretation is to recognize that
--as Einstein told Heisenberg almost one century ago-- it is only the theory
which can tell you what can be observed. Finally, we will conclude that what QM
needs is not a new interpretation but instead, a theoretical
(formal-conceptual) consistent, coherent and unified scheme which allows us to
understand what the theory is really talking about.
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