Relativistic spin operator must be intrinsic
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- Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2020 00:47:56 GMT
- Title: Relativistic spin operator must be intrinsic
- Authors: E. R. F. Taillebois, A. T. Avelar
- Abstract summary: There is no consensus concerning the set of properties that a relativistic spin observable should satisfy.
We present how to overcome this problem by imposing a condition that everyone should agree about the nature of the relativistic spin observable: it must be intrinsic.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Although there are many proposals of relativistic spin observables, there is
no agreement about the adequate definition of this quantity. This problem
arises from the fact that, in the present literature, there is no consensus
concerning the set of properties that such an operator should satisfy. Here we
present how to overcome this problem by imposing a condition that everyone
should agree about the nature of the relativistic spin observable: it must be
intrinsic. The intrinsicality concept is analyzed in the relativistic classical
limit and then it is extended to the quantum regime, the spin problem being
treated in the context of the irreducible unitary representations of the
Poincar\'{e} group. This approach rules out three-vector proposals of
relativistic spin observable and leads to a unique satisfactory spin definition
that, besides being intrinsic, also possesses interesting physical features
such as covariance and consistency of predictions in the non relativistic
limit. To support the presented results from an operational perspective, a
consistent observer-independent model for the electromagnetic-spin interaction
is also presented.
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