Non-Adversarial Imitation Learning and its Connections to Adversarial
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- Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2020 13:43:06 GMT
- Title: Non-Adversarial Imitation Learning and its Connections to Adversarial
- Authors: Oleg Arenz and Gerhard Neumann
- Abstract summary: We present a framework for non-adversarial imitation learning.
The resulting algorithms are similar to their adversarial counterparts.
We also show that our non-adversarial formulation can be used to derive novel algorithms.
- Score: 21.89749623434729
- License:
- Abstract: Many modern methods for imitation learning and inverse reinforcement
learning, such as GAIL or AIRL, are based on an adversarial formulation. These
methods apply GANs to match the expert's distribution over states and actions
with the implicit state-action distribution induced by the agent's policy.
However, by framing imitation learning as a saddle point problem, adversarial
methods can suffer from unstable optimization, and convergence can only be
shown for small policy updates. We address these problems by proposing a
framework for non-adversarial imitation learning. The resulting algorithms are
similar to their adversarial counterparts and, thus, provide insights for
adversarial imitation learning methods. Most notably, we show that AIRL is an
instance of our non-adversarial formulation, which enables us to greatly
simplify its derivations and obtain stronger convergence guarantees. We also
show that our non-adversarial formulation can be used to derive novel
algorithms by presenting a method for offline imitation learning that is
inspired by the recent ValueDice algorithm, but does not rely on small policy
updates for convergence. In our simulated robot experiments, our offline method
for non-adversarial imitation learning seems to perform best when using many
updates for policy and discriminator at each iteration and outperforms
behavioral cloning and ValueDice.
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