A direct interferometric test of the nonlinear phase shift gate
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2008.04075v1
- Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2020 12:48:53 GMT
- Title: A direct interferometric test of the nonlinear phase shift gate
- Authors: Peter L. Kaulfuss, Paul M. Alsing, Edwin E. Hach, III., A. Matthew
Smith and Michael L. Fanto
- Abstract summary: We develop our analysis for the case of the original, bulk optical KLM NLPSG and for the scalable integrated nano-photonic NLPSG based on Micro-Ring Resonators (MRRs)
We examine the triple coincidence results for experimentally realistic cases of click/no-click detection with sub-unity detection efficiencies.
In particular, we show that, though more difficult to prepare, cl-SPDC states offer clear advantages for performing the test, especially in the case of relatively low photon detector efficiency.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We propose a direct interferometric test of the Non-Linear Phase Shift Gate
(NLPSG), an essential piece of a Knill Laflamme Milburn Contolled-NOT (KLM
CNOT) gate. We develop our analysis for the both the case of the original, bulk
optical KLM NLPSG and for the scalable integrated nano-photonic NLPSG based on
Micro-Ring Resonators (MRRs) that we have proposed very recently. Specifically,
we consider the interference between the target photon mode of the NLPSG along
one arm of a Mach Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) and a mode subject to an
adjustable linear phase along the other arm. Analysis of triple-photon
coincidences between the two modes at the output of the MZI and the success
ancillary mode of the NLPSG provides a signature of the operation of the NLPSG.
We examine the triple coincidence results for experimentally realistic cases of
click/no-click detection with sub-unity detection efficiencies. Further we
compare the case for which the MZI input modes are seeded with weak Coherent
States (w-CS) and to that for which the input states are those resulting from
colinear Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion (cl-SPDC). In particular, we
show that, though more difficult to prepare, cl-SPDC states offer clear
advantages for performing the test, especially in the case of relatively low
photon detector efficiency.
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