Unsupervised vs. transfer learning for multimodal one-shot matching of
speech and images
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2008.06258v1
- Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2020 09:13:37 GMT
- Title: Unsupervised vs. transfer learning for multimodal one-shot matching of
speech and images
- Authors: Leanne Nortje, Herman Kamper
- Abstract summary: We consider the task of multimodal one-shot speech-image matching.
In both unimodal and multimodal few-shot matching experiments, we find that transfer learning outperforms unsupervised training.
- Score: 27.696096343873215
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We consider the task of multimodal one-shot speech-image matching. An agent
is shown a picture along with a spoken word describing the object in the
picture, e.g. cookie, broccoli and ice-cream. After observing one paired
speech-image example per class, it is shown a new set of unseen pictures, and
asked to pick the "ice-cream". Previous work attempted to tackle this problem
using transfer learning: supervised models are trained on labelled background
data not containing any of the one-shot classes. Here we compare transfer
learning to unsupervised models trained on unlabelled in-domain data. On a
dataset of paired isolated spoken and visual digits, we specifically compare
unsupervised autoencoder-like models to supervised classifier and Siamese
neural networks. In both unimodal and multimodal few-shot matching experiments,
we find that transfer learning outperforms unsupervised training. We also
present experiments towards combining the two methodologies, but find that
transfer learning still performs best (despite idealised experiments showing
the benefits of unsupervised learning).
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