How to define quantum mean-field solvable Hamiltonians using Lie
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- Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2021 02:17:56 GMT
- Title: How to define quantum mean-field solvable Hamiltonians using Lie
- Authors: Artur F. Izmaylov and Tzu-Ching Yen
- Abstract summary: We define what mean-field theory is, independently of a Hamiltonian realization in a particular set of operators.
We then formulate a criterion for a Hamiltonian to be mean-field solvable.
For the electronic Hamiltonians, our approach reveals the existence of mean-field solvable Hamiltonians of higher fermionic operator powers than quadratic.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Necessary and sufficient conditions for quantum Hamiltonians to be exactly
solvable within mean-field theories have not been formulated so far. To resolve
this problem, first, we define what mean-field theory is, independently of a
Hamiltonian realization in a particular set of operators. Second, using a
Lie-algebraic framework we formulate a criterion for a Hamiltonian to be
mean-field solvable. The criterion is applicable for both distinguishable and
indistinguishable particle cases. For the electronic Hamiltonians, our approach
reveals the existence of mean-field solvable Hamiltonians of higher fermionic
operator powers than quadratic. Some of the mean-field solvable Hamiltonians
require different sets of quasi-particle rotations for different eigenstates,
which reflects a more complicated structure of such Hamiltonians.
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