Towards General and Autonomous Learning of Core Skills: A Case Study in
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- Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2020 08:23:55 GMT
- Title: Towards General and Autonomous Learning of Core Skills: A Case Study in
- Authors: Roland Hafner, Tim Hertweck, Philipp Kl\"oppner, Michael Bloesch,
Michael Neunert, Markus Wulfmeier, Saran Tunyasuvunakool, Nicolas Heess,
Martin Riedmiller
- Abstract summary: We develop a learning framework that can learn sophisticated locomotion behavior for a wide spectrum of legged robots.
Our learning framework relies on a data-efficient, off-policy multi-task RL algorithm and a small set of reward functions that are semantically identical across robots.
For nine different types of robots, including a real-world quadruped robot, we demonstrate that the same algorithm can rapidly learn diverse and reusable locomotion skills.
- Score: 19.285099263193622
- License:
- Abstract: Modern Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms promise to solve difficult
motor control problems directly from raw sensory inputs. Their attraction is
due in part to the fact that they can represent a general class of methods that
allow to learn a solution with a reasonably set reward and minimal prior
knowledge, even in situations where it is difficult or expensive for a human
expert. For RL to truly make good on this promise, however, we need algorithms
and learning setups that can work across a broad range of problems with minimal
problem specific adjustments or engineering. In this paper, we study this idea
of generality in the locomotion domain. We develop a learning framework that
can learn sophisticated locomotion behavior for a wide spectrum of legged
robots, such as bipeds, tripeds, quadrupeds and hexapods, including wheeled
variants. Our learning framework relies on a data-efficient, off-policy
multi-task RL algorithm and a small set of reward functions that are
semantically identical across robots. To underline the general applicability of
the method, we keep the hyper-parameter settings and reward definitions
constant across experiments and rely exclusively on on-board sensing. For nine
different types of robots, including a real-world quadruped robot, we
demonstrate that the same algorithm can rapidly learn diverse and reusable
locomotion skills without any platform specific adjustments or additional
instrumentation of the learning setup.
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